Thursday, August 26, 2010


This Unplanned Semester began a little early for me.  It started at the beginning of this summer when I noticed a mole on my back that began changing shape, size, was itching, and hurt to touch it.  
I went to the dermatologist about a month ago to get it checked out and got it removed. My dermatologist thought it was nothing. However, it ended up coming back as an abnormal spitz nevus cellular structure, which is not dangerous, but is very close to the cellular structure of melanoma. They needed to take more out to be sure it was not melanoma. I had the surgery Tuesday August 17th to remove a large portion of the skin on my back and a cluster of three lymph nodes in my armpit to see if anything had spread. We were hoping for the lymph nodes to come back negative as well as a clear margin on my back. 

I got the results back August 23 and they were not quite what I hoped for. One of the lymph nodes tested positive for melanoma.

The doctors wanted to do another surgery on my underarm to remove all of the lymph nodes under my left armpit which would take about 4-6 weeks of healing time with a drain to remove the fluid.
My mom had been researching and found that some people with abnormal spitz nevus do test positive for melanoma in the lymph nodes without it being cancer.
We tried to get a second opinion to make sure that I needed the surgery.  

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